Recent Patents on Computer Science

Author(s): Mehak Khurana* and Hukum Singh

DOI: 10.2174/2213275911666181030111102

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A Spiral-Phase Rear Mounted Triple Masking for Secure Optical Image Encryption Based on Gyrator Transform

Page: [80 - 94] Pages: 15

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Background: A spiral phase rear mounted masked scheme is proposed based on Gyrator Transform (GT) to enhance the security contribution of second lens of the existing Double Random Phase Encoding (DRPE) system by modulating the phase of the output obtained in output plane. An additional third layer of Spiral Phase Mask (SPM) is included in the output plane in the same 4f system.

Objective: To develop a symmetric cryptosystems to enhance the security potential of the second lens and to prevent the comfortable realization of the cipher-image in the transform domain.

Methods: The original image is first scrambled using Arnold transform with frequency and then is convoluted with a secret random phase mask, RPM in GT and then obtained result is convoluted with another secret RPM in inverse GT. The obtained result is then finally convoluted with SPM.

Results: It verifies the sensitivity and achieves better performance in terms of recovering a high quality image. Results show the security, performance and quality analysis on the basis of correlation coefficient, occlusion attack, key sensitivity and noise attack, entropy and histogram.

Conclusion: It enhances the security potential of second lens in DRPE and introduces diffusion in the system. The system is simulated for binary and greyscale image and achieves better performance as compared to existing DRPE variants. Key sensitivity is more secure and cannot recover original image without knowing all the parameters. Correlation coefficient are also weakly correlated and does not reveals relevant information. Simulation result demonstrates the feasibility and robustness of cryptosystem.

Keywords: Arnold transform, gyrator transform, spiral phase mask, triple phase encoding, occlusion attack, cryptosystem.

Graphical Abstract

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