Background: Current beverage cans crusher machines need high energy due to the forces involved in the crushing process. Some of these machines used a single force in a horizontal direction only (in the direction of can’s diameter), while others used two forces, one horizontal and another in a vertical direction (in the can’s longitudinal direction); the vertical force is applied firstly followed by the horizontal one. In such machines (when applying one force or two forces), the can needs a very high compacted force.
Methods: In this invention, which is based on our patent no. KSA4610, 2016, we present a newly designed machine to crush cans with much less forces than others. The new design applies two forces in a horizontal direction and a third one is applied in a vertical direction; the horizontal forces are applied firstly in middle position of the can (in points only) and thus, the can becomes weak and needs a little vertical force to be pressed to the desired size.
Results: In addition, the machine in our invention uses a renewable source of energy as a power supply source, i.e. no expenses for operations. The machine consists of multi pistons, two horizontals and one vertical, solar cell system to operate the machine, pneumatic system, sensor, servo motor, controller, software, and a wooden structure to contain all the machine parts. The machine is designed to be used in many places (usually uncontained such kinds of machines), such as in aircraft, restrooms, offices and even in cars; this invention, in view of that, may limit throwing of beverage cans on streets or in the garbage.
Keywords: Can crusher, machine, multi pistons, new design, patent, renewable energy.