Current Bioinformatics

Author(s): Zhang Yang*, Xie Yingying, Guo Li, Zhang Zewei, Ding Weifeng, Pan Zhifang and Qin Jing

DOI: 10.2174/1574893613666181029100249

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Robust Pulmonary Nodule Segmentation in CT Image for Juxta-pleural and Juxta-vascular Case

Page: [139 - 147] Pages: 9

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Background: Lung cancer is a greatest threat to people's health and life. CT image leads to unclear boundary segmentation. Segmentation of irregular nodules and complex structure, boundary information is not well considered and lung nodules have always been a hot topic.

Objective: In this study, the pulmonary nodule segmentation is accomplished with the new graph cut algorithm. The problem of segmenting the juxta-pleural and juxta-vascular nodules was investigated which is based on graph cut algorithm.

Methods: Firstly, the inflection points by the curvature was decided. Secondly, we used kernel graph cut to segment the nodules for the initial edge. Thirdly, the seeds points based on cast raying method is performed; lastly, a novel geodesic distance function is proposed to improve the graph cut algorithm and applied in lung nodules segmentation.

Results: The new algorithm has been tested on total 258 nodules. Table 1 summarizes the morphologic features of all the nodules and given the results between the successful segmentation group and the poor/failed segmentation group. Figure 1 to Fig. (12) shows segmentation effect of Juxta-vascular nodules, Juxta-pleural nodules, and comparted with the other interactive segmentation methods.

Conclusion: The experimental verification shows better results with our algorithm, the results will measure the volume numerical approach to nodule volume. The results of lung nodules segmentation in this study are as good as the results obtained by the other methods.

Keywords: Pulmonary nodule segmentation, CT image, juxta-vascular, graph cut problem, segmentation of the nodules, curvature information.

Graphical Abstract

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