Current Stem Cell Research & Therapy

Author(s): Elham Hoveizi*, Shima Tavakol, Sadegh Shirian and Khadije Sanamiri

DOI: 10.2174/1574888X13666181018150107

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Electrospun Nanofibers for Diabetes: Tissue Engineering and Cell-Based Therapies

Page: [152 - 168] Pages: 17

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Diabetes mellitus is an autoimmune disease which causes loss of insulin secretion producing hyperglycemia by promoting progressive destruction of pancreatic β cells. An ideal therapeutic approach to manage diabetes mellitus is pancreatic β cells replacement. The aim of this review article was to evaluate the role of nanofibrous scaffolds and stem cells in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. Various studies have pointed out that application of electrospun biomaterials has considerably attracted researchers in the field of tissue engineering. The principles of cell therapy for diabetes have been reviewed in the first part of this article, while the usability of tissue engineering as a new therapeutic approach is discussed in the second part.

Keywords: Cell therapy, diabetes, electrospun nanofiber, scaffold, tissue engineering, diabetes mellitus.

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