Recent Patents on Computer Science

Author(s): Kavita Sharma, Fatima Rafiqui, Diksha, Prabhanshu Attri and Sumit Kumar Yadav*

DOI: 10.2174/2213275911666181010112601

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A Two-tier Security Solution for Storing Data Across Public Cloud

Page: [191 - 201] Pages: 11

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Background: Data integrity protection in Cloud Computing becomes very challenging since the user no longer has the possession of their own data. This makes cloud data storage security of critical importance. The users can resort to legal action against the cloud provider if the provider fails to maintain the integrity of the shared data, but it also raises a need to secure users' private data across the public cloud.

Methods: In this paper, we propose a novel end-to-end solution to ensure the security of data stored over a public cloud. It is a two-tier approach where the data is stored in an encrypted format and only the owner of the data can have access to the original data shared across the cloud. The algorithm OwnData: Encryption and Decryption is based on AES file encryption, which has the flexibility to be implemented across different cloud platforms.

Results: The proposed OwnData model to provide privacy and confidentiality to the user data successfully secures data in an encrypted format. The users can gain full access control over the accessibility of their data. The application has been improvised to minimize page load time which enables it to achieve improvements in scalability. Algorithm and concatenation operators (dot) give minimum computation load during uploading of data to the cloud platform or downloading the same.

Conclusion: The algorithm is robust, scalable and secure and It gives the user complete authorization and control over the data even when data is being stored remotely or in any other cloud premises.

Keywords: Algorithm, cloud computing, cloud security, cloud security provider, DDoS, decryption, encryption, AES algorithm, SHA algorithm, security models.

Graphical Abstract

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