Treatment of cardiovascular disease has achieved great success using artificial implants, particularly synthetic-polymer made grafts. However, thrombus formation and restenosis are the current clinical problems need to be conquered. New biomaterials, modifying the surface of synthetic vascular grafts, have been created to improve long-term patency for the better hemocompatibility. The vascular biomaterials can be fabricated from synthetic or natural polymers for vascular tissue engineering. Stem cells can be seeded by different techniques into tissue-engineered vascular grafts in vitro and implanted in vivo to repair the vascular tissues. To overcome the thrombogenesis and promote the endothelialization effect, vascular biomaterials employing nanotopography are more bio-mimic to the native tissue made and have been engineered by various approaches such as prepared as a simple surface coating on the vascular biomaterials. It has now become an important and interesting field to find novel approaches to better endothelization of vascular biomaterials. In this article, we focus to review the techniques with better potential improving endothelization and summarize for vascular biomaterial application. This review article will enable the development of biomaterials with a high degree of originality, innovative research on novel techniques for surface fabrication for vascular biomaterials application.
Keywords: Vasculr biomaterials, surface fabrication, endothelialization, surface modification, vascular tissue regeneration.