Current Analytical Chemistry

Author(s): Merve Eylul Kiymaci *, Mehmet Gumustas, Nurten Altanlar, Ahmet Akin, Aysegul Zenciroglu and Sibel A. Ozkan*

DOI: 10.2174/1573411014666180912130839

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Determination of Probiotic Abilities and Lactic Acid Content of Pediococcus acidilactici

Page: [511 - 521] Pages: 11

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Background: Probiotics are living microorganisms that have a healthy influence on a host.

Objective: The aim of this study was to isolate a probiotic Pediococcus acidilactici strain from newborn faeces and develop and optimize a selective high-performance liquid chromatography method for the determination and validation of its lactic acid content and also evaluate some probiotic characteristics.

Methods: Isolated strains were identified by the API 50 CH system and 16S rDNA gene sequence analysis and tested for antibiotic susceptibility, bile salt tolerance, low pH resistance, proteolytic, haemolytic activity, as well as the production of bacteriocin, hydrogen peroxide, and lactic acid. Antimicrobial activity of selected strain against standard test microorganisms was determined by the spot lawn method and the quantitation of lactic acid was carried out by high-performance liquid chromatography on a Rezex ROA organic acid (300x7.8 mm) analytical column.

Results: P. acidilactici M7 strain was evaluated as a potential probiotic due to its ability to survive at low pH values or in the presence of pepsin, pancreatin, and bile salts. The lactic acid amount of strain was found in the range between 5.59-5.94 mg mL-1 by HPLC. M7 strain was also found to be resistant to vancomycin, had no bacteriocin, and hydrogen peroxide production and was able to inhibit the growth of P. aeruginosa and E. faecalis by its lactic acid content.

Conclusion: This study explains a simple, selective, and fully validated procedure for the determination of lactic acid from probiotic bacteria.

Keywords: HPLC, lactic acid, Pediococcus acidilactici, probiotic ability, quantification, validation.

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