Background and Objective: The inter-vehicle communication is a potential issue for improving
road safety, detecting traffic accidents, etc. in vehicular ad hoc network. The communication
among the vehicles in VANET must be protected from the dissemination of message by unauthorized
vehicles and the alteration of the message by misbehaving vehicles.
Methods: In this paper, a low overhead digital watermark based vehicle revocation scheme is proposed.
The sender vehicle generates a message and a random number after observing an event. It generates
a deformed version of the generated message and message digest, and concatenates them. The
watermark bits are generated by the sender vehicle from its unique identification and the random
number. The sender vehicle embeds the watermark bits in the concatenated form of the message digest
and deformed version of the generated message, and broadcasts the embedded message for its
neighbours. The neighbour vehicles extract the required information from the received embedded
message to verify the authentication of the sender vehicle and to identify whether the sender vehicle is
an alteration attacker. It revokes unauthentic vehicles and vehicles that are identified as alteration attacker
from vehicular ad-hoc network without any dependency on the trusted third party. The cracking
probability and cracking time are used to measure the robustness of the scheme. The cracking probability
and cracking time are measured to set the design guideline regarding the size of the watermark.
The qualitative performance of the scheme is measured in terms of storage, communication and computation
overhead. The significant reduction of all such overheads is observed by comparing the qualitative
performance of the proposed scheme with two existing schemes.
Conclusion and Results: Thus, the proposed scheme is a low overhead solution of securing vehicular
ad hoc network. Performance of the scheme is also studied quantitatively in terms of the time of verifying
vehicle authentication at the receiving end, delay in message dissemination at the sending end
and delay in message reception at the receiving end. The quantitative performance is also compared
with two of the existing schemes.
Authentication, message digest, OBU, RSU, V2V communication, VANET.
Graphical Abstract
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