Nanoscience & Nanotechnology-Asia

Author(s): Sikha Mishra, Urmila Bhanja and Guru Prasad Mishra*

DOI: 10.2174/2210681208666180820151121

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An Analytical Modeling and Performance Analysis of Graded Work Function Gate Recessed Channel SOI-MOSFET

Page: [504 - 511] Pages: 8

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Introduction: A new analytical model is designed for Workfunction Modulated Rectangular Recessed Channel-Silicon On Insulator (WMRRC-SOI) MOSFET that considers the concept of groove gate and implements an idea of workfunction engineering.

Methods: The impact of Negative Junction Depth (NJD) and oxide thickness (tox) are analyzed on device performances such as Sub-threshold Slope (SS), Drain Induced Barrier Lowering (DIBL) and threshold voltage.

Results: The results of the proposed work are evaluated with the Rectangular Recessed Channel-Silicon On Insulator (RRC-SOI) MOSFET keeping the metal workfunction constant throughout the gate region. Furthermore, an analytical model is developed using 2D Poisson’s equation and threshold voltage is estimated in terms of minimum surface potential.

Conclusion: In this work, the impact of Negative Junction Depth (NJD) on minimum surface potential and the drain current are also evaluated. It is observed from the analysis that the analog switching performance of WMRRC-SOI MOSFET surpasses RRC-SOI MOSFET in terms of better driving capability, high Ion/Ioff ratio, minimized Short Channel Effects (SCEs) and hot carrier immunity. Results are simulated using 2D Sentaurus TCAD simulator for validation of the proposed structure.

Keywords: Short-channel effects, SOI, rectangular recessed channel, negative junction depth, corner effect, DIBL.

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