Current Organic Chemistry

Author(s): Muhammad G. Doggar, M. Shahzad Khurram*, Saima Mirza, Moinuddin Ghauri, Farrukh Jamil, Nawshad Muhammad*, Sikandar Rafiq and Mujtaba H. Jaffery

DOI: 10.2174/1385272822666180820143707

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Biomass Power Generation Potential and Utlization in Pakistan

Page: [2350 - 2365] Pages: 16

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Pakistan is experiencing the worst power shortage since 2007 ranging from 5000 to 7000 MW. This has led to introduction of load shedding program which has caused economic loss @7% to the GDP. The indigenous oil reserves are poor and every year crude oil and petroleum products costing US$ 15.473 billion are imported. The potential of biomass energy is excellent, and Pakistan may generate 38000 GWh electricity annually using 25% crops residue and 50% animal waste. Except for Punjab province survey of crops biomass needs to be conducted to estimate the biomass resource potential in the country. Based upon the data, the size of power plants can be determined, and site of plants can be decided. Very few power plants have been installed by local industry under captive mode and their experience is encouraging. The indigenous capacity building for installation and operation of bio-mass based power plants are required. This paper reviews the power shortage and its implications on economy of Pakistan. It also describes the biomass technologies, resource base and power generation potential along with utilization status in Pakistan. It also discusses possible role of biomass power in mitigating the energy crisis especially in the rural areas. Using only 20-25% of the estimated crops waste of major crops and 50% of animal’s waste Pakistan can generate more than 36,000 GWh equivalent to 45% of the electricity consumption per annum. The crops residue alone can produce 11953 MW (31%) of the power potential with 25% of the available crops residue.

Keywords: Biomass, crop residue, power plants, technologies, power shortage, energy crisis, rural area.

Graphical Abstract

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