A Comprehensive Review on Nature Inspired Neural Network based Adaptive Filter for Eliminating Noise in Medical Images

Page: [278 - 287] Pages: 10

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Background: Various kind of medical imaging modalities are available for providing noninvasive view and for analyzing any pathological symptoms of human beings. Different noise may appear in those modalities at the time of acquisition, transmission, scanning, or at the time of storing. The removal of noises from the digital medical images without losing any inherent features is always considered a challenging task because a successful diagnosis relies on them. Numerous techniques have been proposed to fulfill this objective, and each having their own benefits and limitations.

Discussion: In this comprehensive review article, more than 65 research articles are investigated to illustrate the applications of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) in the field of biomedical image denoising. In particular, the zest of this article is to highlight the hybridized filtering model using nature-inspired algorithms and artificial neural networks for suppression of noise. Various other techniques, such as fixed filter, linear adaptive filters and gradient descent learning based neural network filter are also included.

Conclusion: This article envisages how to train ANN using derivative free nature-inspired algorithms, and its performance in various medical images modalities and noise conditions.

Keywords: Adaptive filter, artificial neural network, denoising, medical image, nature-inspired algorithms, optimization.

Graphical Abstract

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