Recent Patents on Engineering

Author(s): Amit Chugh* and Supriya Panda

DOI: 10.2174/1872212112666180731114046

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Energy Efficient Techniques in Wireless Sensor Networks

Page: [13 - 19] Pages: 7

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Background: Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a collection of tiny electromechanical nodes termed as sensors. Sensors are equipped with sensing unit, which is designed for application specific. When deployed either by planned or unplanned after deployment, sensor’s energy starts depleting due to various roles like sensing, communication and aggregation.

Method: WSN is challenged with limited battery power. The aim is to enhance energy efficiency that leads to a prolonged lifetime of networks.

Results: We have reviewed the patents related to energy efficiency in wireless sensor networks. This Paper presents the study of various energy efficient techniques, which can enhance the lifetime of sensor networks; it covers basics of WSN, their design, Classification, Communication in WSN and a survey of different techniques for effective utilization of sensor’s energy.

Conclusion: Paper has emphasized on energy efficient clustering technique along with feature wise summary of existing clustering protocols.

Keywords: Wireless sensor networks, clustering protocol, energy efficient networks, sensors, communication, battery.

Graphical Abstract

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