Background: Data mining is an emerged and promising technology, and it utilized in
the software engineering development process. It does not only enhance the accurateness, it also
improves the reliability of the software. A software development application error is a fault or bug
in a computer program. It produces wrong or unexpected outcomes. In traditional software development,
faults manually triaged through a specialist developer, i.e., a human being triaged.
Methods: Manual fault triage takes long time and produce low accuracy for the huge amount of
faults. To resolve above issues, An Efficient Integration of Instance and Aspect Preferment Algorithm
(EIIAPA) is proposed to decrease the scale of fault report data concurrently and to enhance
the accurateness of data.
Results & Conclusion: The proposed technique helps to validate & verify software application in
effective way. Reduction of data on fault triage aims to construct a high-superiority set of fault data
in the small-scale system through eliminating the fault report. To applying an algorithm, fault
data set and attributes are extracted from every fault data set and train a predictive model based on
the historical dataset. Based on Experimental evaluations, proposed methodology reduces 0.06 ET
(Execution Time), and improves 0.5 P (Precision), 0.75 R (Recall), 0.39 F-M (F-Measure) and
5.07% (accuracy) compared than existing methodologies.
Software development process, data mining, An Efficient Integration of Instance and Aspect Preferment Algorithm
(EIIAPA), compiler, fault triage, execution time, precision, recall, f-measure, accuracy.
Graphical Abstract
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