International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control

Author(s): Omkar Singh* and Vinay Rishiwal

DOI: 10.2174/2210327908666180703143435

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QoS Aware Multi-hop Multi-path Routing Approach in Wireless Sensor Networks

Page: [43 - 52] Pages: 10

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Background & Objective: Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) consist of huge number of tiny senor nodes. WSN collects environmental data and sends to the base station through multi-hop wireless communication. QoS is the salient aspect in wireless sensor networks that satisfies end-to-end QoS requirement on different parameters such as energy, network lifetime, packets delivery ratio and delay. Among them Energy consumption is the most important and challenging factor in WSN, since the senor nodes are made by battery reserved that tends towards life time of sensor networks.

Methods: In this work an Improve-Energy Aware Multi-hop Multi-path Hierarchy (I-EAMMH) QoS based routing approach has been proposed and evaluated that reduces energy consumption and delivers data packets within time by selecting optimum cost path among discovered routes which extends network life time.

Results & Conclusion: Simulation has been done in MATLAB on varying number of rounds 400- 2000 to checked the performance of proposed approach. I-EAMMH is compared with existing routing protocols namely EAMMH and LEACH and performs better in terms of end-to-end-delay, packet delivery ratio, as well as reduces the energy consumption 13%-19% and prolongs network lifetime 9%- 14%.

Keywords: Cost Function, EAMMH, Energy, I-EAMMH, LEACH, WSN.

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