An efficient and eco-friendly process has been developed for the synthesis of α- aminophosphonates containing aminothiazole moiety via Kabachnik-Field reaction catalyzed by H6P2W18O62.14H2O as reusable catalyst, by condensation of aromatic aldehydes, 2-aminothiazole and triethylphosphite under solvent-free conditions. All the newly synthesized compounds were systematically characterized by IR, 1H NMR, 13C NMR and 31P NMR analysis. The X-ray crystallographic data of compounds 3f and 3j were provided. Simplicity, inexpensive catalyst, milder, short reaction times and easy workup and purification of the final product are the main advantages of this method.
Keywords: 2-aminothiazole, α-aminophosphonates, one-pot reaction, H6P2W18O62.14H2O catalyst, solvent-free, X-ray study.