History: The battle for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of United Nations Agenda 2030, will be won at the city level. All countries are addressing the SGDs at the city level by implementing smart city initiatives. Smart cities take advantage of ICT systems for improving city’ system performance and optimize its resources.
Objective: The ultimate objective is to improve the citizen quality of the life while the sustainability at social, economic and environmental level is guaranteed. For leading with the complexity of the urban problems ICT-enable systems such as massive data analysis in real time can be used as an instrument for supporting the decision-making process.
Method: In that sense, this paper proposes a tool, which helps decision makers, to design and implement smart city initiatives. The tool is an online platform capable of doing three-dimensional data analysis of a repository of smart city initiatives.
Results: The platform makes use of the OLAP technology to produce the 3D analysis and it showed to be a very powerful tool for decision-makers which want to know more about smart cities projects and learn from past experiences to make always the best decisions based on evidence based information.
Keywords: Smart cities, ICTs, business Intelligence, OLAP, open source, architecture scheme.