Current Diabetes Reviews

Author(s): Leila Itani, Simona Calugi, Dima Kreidieh, Germine El Kassas, Dana El Masri, Hana Tannir, Riccardo Dalle Grave, Aya Harfoush and Marwan El Ghoch*

DOI: 10.2174/1573399814666180111111934

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Validation of an Arabic Version of the Obesity-Related Wellbeing (ORWELL 97) Questionnaire in Adults with Obesity

Page: [127 - 132] Pages: 6

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Background: No specific questionnaire that evaluates Health-Related Quality Of Life (HRQOL) in individuals with obesity is available in the Arabic language. The aim of this study was therefore to propose and examine the validity and reliability of an Arabic language version of the ORWELL 97, a validated obesity-related HRQOL questionnaire.

Methods: The ORWELL 97 questionnaire was translated from English to Arabic language and administered to 318 Arabic-speaking participants (106 from clinical and 212 from community samples), and underwent internal consistency, test–retest reliability, construct and discriminative validity analysis.

Results: Internal consistency and the test–retest reliability were excellent for ORWELL 97 global scores in the clinical sample. Participants with obesity displayed significantly higher ORWELL 97 scores than participants from the community sample, confirming the good discriminant validity of the questionnaire. Confirmatory factor analysis in the clinical sample revealed a good fit for a modified two-factor structure.

Conclusion: Overall, the Arabic version of the ORWELL 97 can be considered validated in Arabic adult patients with obesity, paving the way to further assessment of its responsiveness in measuring changes in health-related quality of life associated with obesity treatment.

Keywords: Obesity, overweight, Arab states, Middle East, quality of life, validation questionnaire.

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