Background: Small-angle scattering (SAS) is a powerful technique capable of determining the sample averaged structure of systems within sizes ranging from 1 nm to ~500 nm. This is particularly useful when applied to the study of self-assembled organic systems.
Objective: This review article introduces the method of model-dependent analysis of small angle scattering.
Method: The underlying mathematical constructs on which model-dependent analysis is based are introduced; these are developed further in practical terms through examples from recent literature.
Results: Basic analysis methods are shown, in addition to more complex models for shapes and inter-particle interactions. These are demonstrated with examples from three areas of organic chemistry; small molecule surfactants, polymers, and peptides.
Conclusion: The importance and applicability of small-angle scattering model-dependent analysis of complex organic molecules have been shown through both the fundamental mathematics and literature examples.
Keywords: SAXS, SANS, peptides, polymers, micelles, surfactants, scattering, analysis, model-dependent.