History: The countries of the European Union have faced one of the worst financial and economic crises of the recent history. The crisis impacts several social – economic indicators with multiple effects on societies and market sectors such as the Information and Communication Sector (ICT), which has been identified as a key factor for social and economic growth.
Objectives: Although there are several studies that deal with the implication of the crisis, only few analyze the implications of the financial and economic crisis to the growth of ICT sector. Therefore, the scope of this paper is to explore the correlation, if any, between the impacts of the financial crisis and the growth of ICT sector, giving emphasis to the penetration of broadband services, as well as, coverage of broadband networks both of the fixed and mobile markets. Method: The analysis is mainly based on the examination of several quantitative indicators relevant to ICT sector over the period of crisis. Conclusion: The findings of this paper strongly indicate that although there is no strong correlation, from statistical point of view, between the impacts of the crisis and the growth of ICT sector, a more qualitative based analysis reveals the influences of the crisis on that sector. More specific, the financial crisis slowed up the penetration of mobile broadband service penetration, as well as the level of network investments and the reve-nues of operators/providers.Keywords: Broadband, broadband policy, economic crisis, electronic communications, financial crisis, ICT, ICT policy.