Background: PPARs are lipid sensors activated by dietary lipids or their metabolites, mainly fatty acids and eicosanoids, that play critical roles in CNS biology, since brain has a very high lipid content and has the higher energetic metabolism in the body.
Methods: In neurodegenerative diseases in addition to metabolic impairment, also neuroinflammation is observed and PPARs are also closely linked to inflammatory processes. Several studies have revealed a complicated relationship between the innate immune response and tissue metabolism.
Results: In the brain, during pathological conditions, an alteration in metabolic status occurs, particularly involving glucose utilization and production, a condition which is generally related to metabolic changes.
Conclusion: Taking into account the high expression of PPARs in the brain, this review will focus on the role of these transcription factors in CNS diseases.
Keywords: Neurodegenetic disease, immune system, microglia cells, cytokines, neuroinflammation, neurons.