Background: Schwannomas develop from schwann cells of peripheral nerve sheaths. Schwannomas are slow-growing lesions. The majority of schwannomas are benign. They are often seen in the head and neck region but they can be encountered in any tissue containing peripheral nerves. Pelvic localication of schwannomas is rare.
Results: In this case report we present a case of pelvic schwannoma. A 22-year-old female patient was admitted to our hospital with pelvic pain. A hypoechoic mass measuring 10 cm in diameter was found on the ultrasonographic examination. On MRI, imaging findings were compatible with schwannoma.
Conclusion: Patient underwent surgery and subsquent pathological examination confirmed the diagnosis of schwannoma. Uterine and ovarian masses are the major cause of pelvic pain, but adnexal schwannomas should be kept in mind as a rare cause of pelvic pain.
Keywords: Pelvic mass, adnexal schwannoma, MRI, Schwannomas, cells, lesions, hypoechoic mass.