Introduction: Piroxicam (PRX) is a widely consumed anti-inflammatory drug, and the assays of its tablets and gels for quality control are mostly performed through High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Ultraviolet Detector (HPLC-UV).
Methods: In this regard, an alternate approach, LaFeO3 nanoparticles-modified carbon paste electrode was prepared in order to carry out PRX analysis by using voltammetric approaches.
Results: The modified electrode showed better analytical signal. The calibration curve is in the concentration range of 9.00 and 180.00 µmol·L-1 and the limit of detection was obtained as 1.00 µmol·L1 for PRX. The calculated recovery rate was fairly good (99.14%) in comparison with the declared value in the commercial product.
Conclusion: As shown by the low overall process cost, performance quickness and analytical results, the proposed method of electroanalysis with the LaFeO3 nanoparticles-modified carbon paste electrode presents a viable and interesting alternative approach to identification and determination of PRX compound in commercial products.
Keywords: LaFeO3, nanoparticles, modified carbon paste electrode, electroanalysis, voltammetry, piroxicam, oxidation.