Background: There has been a constant pursuit for development of newer therapies which can contribute to the relatively nascent field of cardioprotection in the setting of myocardial ischemiareperfusion injury. One novel cardioprotective agent among others, that has shown promising results in the limited number of research studies undertaken till now, is Urocortin. Urocortins are peptides belonging to the Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone family.
Results: Acting through a variety of downstream mechanisms, urocortin has been shown to alter cellular metabolism and modulate the mechanism of cell death occurring as a result of ischemia-reperfusion injury. New evidence continues to accumulate in support of urocortin’s beneficial role in cytoprotection.
Conclusion: We present here an updated review largely focused on the various mechanisms through which urocortin alters cellular metabolism, and discuss the clinical potential of urocortin’s cardioprotective ability in myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury.
Keywords: Urocortin, ischemia-reperfusion, cytoprotection, corticotropins, cell death, cellular metabolism, myocardial.