Background: Due to the single atomic layer, flexible material, easily tuned of band gap, easily reduced to reduced graphene oxide, graphene oxide (GO) have a lot of application for Electronics, Biosensors, Biomedical application.
Objective: The goal of the present work is to study the electrochemical properties of graphene oxide flakes. Method: In the present work, we synthesis of graphene oxide using modified hummer techniques. The morphological and structural characterization of as-prepared GO was investigated with the help of XRD, SEM, FTIR, UV, CV. Results: The XRD patterns of As-prepared graphene oxide (GO) flakes shows a peak at 11.2°, and the calculated value of lattice parameter comes out to be 15.56 A°. The peaks in the Raman spectrum are observed at 1599 cm-1 and 1349 cm-1, which confirms the lattice distortion in the graphene oxide (GO). The peaks in the FTIR spectrum of graphene oxide (GO) observed at, 3636 cm-1, 1753 cm-1, 1649 cm-1, 1456 cm-1, and 1177 cm-1 are attributed to O-H, C=O, C=C, C-OH, C-O bonds, respectively. The electrochemical studies of graphene oxide (GO) modified ITO electrode shows an improvement in the electrochemical parameters. Conclusion: We have prepared the graphene oxide by modified Hummers method. According to the electrochemical studies, graphene oxide (GO) modified ITO electrode is an excellent medium for the fast electron transfer between an electrode surface and electrolyte. On the basis of these studies, it is suggested that graphene oxide may be a best material for the fabrication of biosensors.Keywords: Graphene oxide, raman spectrum, FTIR spectrum, electrochemical studies, Biosensors, Biomedical application.