Background: Stability of power supply is one of the main problems affecting the performance and continuity of medical equipment in a developing country. Gamma camera is one of medical equipment uses radio isotope for patient imaging.
Objective: There are various parameters degraded image quality in gamma camera. This paper discusses the effect of stability of power supply on image performance. Methods: To perform this work a total of 125 intrinsic uniformity tests for a gamma camera connected to stable power supply and a total of 125 intrinsic uniformity test for a gamma camera connected to an un-stable power supply were used. Results: The integral uniformity (central and useful field of view) and differential uniformity (central and useful field of view) were calculated using 99mTc point source. Conclusion: The result shows that the quality of image degraded in unstable power supply; on the other hand gamma camera connected to the supply via uninterrupted power supply (UPS) was stable and gives highly uniform image in both central and useful field of view.Keywords: Planar gamma camera, interinsic uniformity, integral uniformity, differential uniformity, power supply.