Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder of the central nervous system. As per modern science and ancient literature on medicine, nasal drug delivery systems are the best for the diseases related to brain and head. In older times Rishi Muni, ancient scholars and physicians used to recommend Hawan for mental peace and well being. Mritunjay Mantra also tells that sughandhim (aroma, fragrance) gives rise to good health.
Om triambkum yajamahe, sughandhim puushtivardhanam, urvarukmev vandhanaat, mrityu mokshay mamritaat!!!!
Hawan is a scientific experiment in which special herbs (Hawan Samagri) are offered in the fire of medicinal woods ignited in a specially designed fire pit called agni-kuñda. Aromatherapy was also employed in ancient times for a number of mental disorders. The hypothesis is based on action of Hawan components on Alzheimer Disease through integration of modern and ancient concepts. Hawan seems to be designed by the ancient scholars to fight with the diseases of the brain. Our review demonstrates that the components of Hawan are having a number of volatile oils that are specifically useful for AD through one or the other mechanism of action. Due to high temperature of fire the vapors of these oils enter into the central nervous system through nasal route. The routine of performing Hawan might keep the threshold value of the therapeutic components in the body and help in preventing AD. In the present manuscript authors have tried to highlight and integrate the modern and ancient concepts for treatment and prevention of AD.
Keywords: Alzheimer disease, Apoptosis, Hawan, Inflammation, Mental Health, Rishis, Sanskar.