Very high ultimate autogenous shrinkage of ultra-high-performance fiberreinforced concrete (UHPFRC) is normally obtained due to the use of low water-tobinder ratio (W/B) and admixtures with fine particle sizes, such as silica fume and filler. In particular, a large part of the shrinkage is generated at a very early stage, and this leads to a high potential of early-age cracking in thin plate structures made by UHPFRC due to the restraint of shrinkage. For this reason, several studies have been performed with regard to the shrinkage behaviors of UHPFRC under both free and restrained conditions. In this study, the previous studies regarding the shrinkage characteristics of UHPFRC are extensively reviewed. In addition, several important concerns, which have not been clearly reported, with regard to the free and restrained shrinkage properties of UHPFRC are addressed and discussed.
Keywords: Autogenous shrinkage, creep, restrained shrinkage behavior, time-zero, ultra-high-performance fiber-reinforced concrete.