The AP2/ERF play a key role in multiple stress responses in plants. we here report a novel salt stress-related gene, LcAP2/ERF107 that encodes an AP2/ERF protein in Lotus corniculatus cultivar Leo. LcAP2/ERF107 was classified into the soloist subfamiliy based on phylogenetic relationship. The transcription of LcAP2/ERF107 were strongly induced by salt and other phytohormones (ABA, ACC, MeJA). A subcellular localization experiment indicated that LcAP2/ERF107 is a nuclear protein that activates transcription. LcAP2/ERF107 overexpression in Arabidopsis resulted in pleiotropic phenotypes, including higher seed germination rate and transgenic plants with enhanced tolerance to salt stress. Further, under salt tolerance the transgenic lines elevated the relative moisture content; however, the relative electrolyte leakage was lower than in control plants. The expression levels of indicative genes RD22, RD29A, LEA4-5, P5CS1 and P5CS2 were found to be increased in the transgenic plants compared with the WT plants. These results indicated that LcAP2/ERF107 play an important role in the responses of plant to salt stress.
Keywords: AP2/ERF, L. corniculatus cv. Leo, overexpression, salt stress.