Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is among the most studied EBPs with support for its efficacy across a range of presenting problems in youth, but broad uptake of traditional CBT in school-based settings has been slow. A review of CBT in schools is presented, which suggests that most school-based studies have examined the use of a protocol for a single disorder or presenting problem, delivered by an individual provider (e.g., teacher, counselor). Evidence supports the effectiveness of these interventions for targeted problems, but limitations of these practices may present barriers to broader implementation of CBT. A review of alternative strategies is then presented, which suggests an approach that may flexibly meet the needs of a broader range of students, capitalize on the unique characteristics of a school setting, and emphasize principles of resilience. Finally, the University of Pennsylvania Beck Community Initiative is presented to illustrate an integrated approach to CBT within schools that is case conceptualization-driven, milieu-focused, and resilience-oriented to apply these strategies in a school setting.
Keywords: Adolescents, children, cognitive behavioral therapy, community mental health, implementation, milieu, schoolbased services, transdiagnostic.