Background: It has been noticed that the conventional approaches of vaccinology are highly successful to bring down the rate of disease incidences of life threatening infections in 20th century. But these approaches certainly suffer with some delimitation. Such as they take decades to unravel pathogens and antigens related to a disease and even then only few but not all of the antigens are disclosed. Therefore, persistent need of a revolution in this field was required which certainly appeared a decade before and known as “Reverse vaccinology”.
Objective: The objective of the present review is to unfold the various facts and figures of the highly valuable approach of Reverse vaccinology by emphasizing its advancements over the period of time.
Conclusion: The methodology of Reverse vaccinology is elucidated in an easy and straightforward fashion. Also various available tools for T-cell and B-cell epitope prediction are discussed thoroughly for better understanding of the Reverse vaccinology.
Keywords: Bioinformatics, B-cell and T-cell epitope, pan-genome, reverse vaccinology.Bioinformatics, B-cell and T-cell epitope, pan-genome, reverse vaccinology.