Copper is produced using pyrometallurgical techniques, traditionally. Due to various economical reasons, alternative metal production methods from secondary metal sources such as slag, furnace dust by using more economical methods are becoming popular in recent years. Hydrometallurgy is an alternative metal production method that includes some leaching techniques. In this study, metal extraction of copper slag was investigated under conditions of intensive grinding and none-grinding by using some leaching reagents. Contrary to conventional intensive grinding, in this study, mixture of reagent and slag was grinded in a planetary mill subsequent to water leaching was performed. The highest metal extraction was obtained in experiments using ammonium persulfate (APS). While more than 80% Cu extraction was obtained in 60 min leaching time with grinding process, almost same extraction values were obtained in 360 min of leaching time without mix of slag and reagent grinding operation.
Keywords: Chalcopyrite, copper, extraction, hydrometallurgy, metal recovery, oxidative reaction.