This article deals with a new CAD system of railways routing. The route of railway as 3D curve is traditionally presented by two flat curves: plan and longitudinal profile.
The plan of route is its projection on horizontal plane XOY and its longitudinal profile is dependent Z(s), where s - is the length of plan from initial point. The software of the new system allows us to receive the optimal project line of the longitudinal profile for each variant of the route plan. Thus, it is an opportunity for objective comparison and selection of the best from them.
The new algorithm of nonlinear programming was developed for this purpose. This algorithm is based on essential features of the system of constraints on parameters of unknown optimal project line. In the new CAD system, projection of longitudinal profile is provided many times with different source data due to interrelations with other project tasks.
For railway haul (25-30 km), optimization of longitudinal profile is a big dimension problem of nonlinear programming with the number of variables and constraints in a few hundreds and more.
The standard algorithms of nonlinear programming demand a lot of machine time for solving this task. The new algorithm is more efficient due to using the features of constraints.
Keywords: Basis of linear space, null space of a matrix, objective function, reduced antigradient, system of constraints.