Protein kinases have emerged as one of the most promising targets for rational drug discovery. In a similar manner to imatinib mesylate (Gleevec®), hematological malignancies offer multiple pharmacologic opportunities for manipulation of kinase-induced tumor cell proliferation. Certain kinases have been validated as targets for drug discovery in hematological malignancies (such as BCR-ABL and FLT3); other novel kinases hold considerable interest for targeted intervention: myeloid leukemias (KDR, KIT, CSF-1R, RAS and RAF), lymphoid leukemias (JAK2 fusion protein, TIE-1, CDK modulators), lymphoma (ALK, CDK modulators, mTOR), myeloproliferative disorders (PDGF-R or FGF-R fusion gene products, FGF-R1) and myeloma (FGF-R3, STAT3). Over the past five years, the number of kinase-targeted drug therapies undergoing clinical development has increased exponentially. This review will focus on novel kinase targets currently undergoing preclinical and clinical investigation.
Keywords: kinase, hematological malignancy, drug targets