Primary Sjogren’s Syndrome (pSS) is a systemic inflammatory autoimmune of unknown aetiology affecting exocrine glands, particularly the lacrimal and salivary glands. Growing evidence that B-cell depletion therapies are remarkably efficacious in the disorder indicate a major role for B-cell in the immunopathogenesis of pSS. B cell-targeted therapies have raised new therapy promise for they interact with B-cell homeostasis. Anti-CD20 therapy is the unique effective non-symptomatic therapy used in pSS. Growing data suggest Rituximab a promising candidate for pSS therapy. We performed a search for publications on Rituximab in the treatment of pSS to explicate pathogenetic function of B cells and assesse the efficacy in glandular symptoms, systemic manifestations and laboratory parameters in pSS patients. However, the efficiency on glandular manifestations is rather disappointing and controversial. Whether pSS patients with a reasonable residual salivary flow and/or with shorter disease duration will benefit most from Rituximab treatment still remains unclear. Fatigue is the symptom that responds best to Rituximab therapy compared with other systematical involvements. The efficiency in laboratory parameters is unsatisfactory.
Keywords: Anti-CD20, biologics, monoclonal antibody, Primary Sjogren's syndrome, Rituximab, treatment.