As a kind of novel machine, the brushless doubly fed machine (BDFM) without the electric brush and slip ring has gained more and more attention in its AC speed regulation and variable-speed constant-frequency generation system applications due to its good operation performance. For the speed regulation of the BDFM as the external disturbance existing, a proportional integral minus delay (PIMD) controller combining with the H robust control method is proposed. The PIMD controller utilizes the minus delay method and adjusts the delay time to eliminate the known external sinusoidal disturbance input signal. The controller combining with the H∞ robust control strategy can effectively restrain the unknown uncertainties of the system, and further enhance the system robustness. The simulation results show that the proposed PIMD controller can enable the system to have better robustness against external disturbances, and greatly improves the interference rejection performance of the system.
Keywords: Brushless doubly fed machine, H∞ control problem, PIMD controller, robust control, speed regulation.