There is emerging recognition of the need for continuous long term electrographic monitoring of the encephalopathic neonate. While full-montage EEG with video remains the gold standard for monitoring, it is limited in application due to the complexity of lead application and specialized interpretation of results. Amplitude integrated EEG (aEEG) is derived from limited channels (usually C3-P3, C4-P4) and is filtered, rectified and time-compressed to serve as a bedside electrographic trend monitor. It’s simple application and interpretation has resulted in increasing use in neonatal units across the world. Validation studies with full montage EEG have shown reliable results in interpretation of EEG background and electrographic seizures, especially when used with the simultaneously displayed raw EEG trace. Several aEEG monitors are commercially available and seizure algorithms are being developed for use on these monitors. These aEEG monitors, complement conventional EEG and offer a significant advance in the feasibility of long term electrographic monitoring of the encephalopathic neonate.
Keywords: aEEG, neonatal encephalopathy, hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, neonatal seizures, electroencephalography, neurodevelopmental outcome.