We review a compact, semi-empirical model of Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistors (CNTFETs), already proposed by us, in which we have introduced several issues to allow an easy implementation in the most common circuit simulators.
The CNTFET equivalent circuit is similar to a common MOSFET one, where the quantum capacitances have been computed from the charge in the channel.
A procedure, based on a best-fitting between the measured and simulated values of output device characteristics, is reviewed in order to extract the optimal values of the CNTFET equivalent circuit elements.
Finally we have implemented our model both in SPICE, using ABM library, and in Verilog-A in order to demonstrate the model flexibility and in order to compare them.
Typical analogue circuits and logic blocks have been simulated and results have been presented to validate the implementation of our CNTFET model both in Verilog-A and in SPICE.
Keywords: Analog and Digital Circuit Design, Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistors (CNTFETs), modelling, nanoelectronic devices, nanotechnology.