Mangrove Infoline Database contains information about the medicinal uses of mangrove plants with protein/enzyme sequences. Mangrove Infoline Database is a comprehensive dynamic web-based database, used to facilitate retrieval of information related to the mangrove medicinal species. Most of the enzyme sequences extracted from mangroves are taken from NCBI’s protein sequence database, whereas the information related to physical characteristics, geographical distribution, common/vernacular names, taxonomy IDs, medicinal uses, parts used, chemical components extracted from various mangrove plants which can be used as a drug molecules have been collected from various literatures and scientific journals available in the text form. NCBI’s BLAST link has also been provided for the further comparative study. So there was a need to build database where users could get all specific information about mangrove medicinal plants at one place. The current database contains information about 100 Mangrove medicinal species out of which 40 are True mangroves, 30 Minor mangroves and, 30 Associate mangroves. This database would be useful to explore mangrove medicinal plant information through Web based database which would be helpful to derive the information for Researchers, Scientists, Pharmacologists, Biologists, Chemists, Doctors/Pharmacists, Teaching (Students and Teachers from universities and schools), Home-User, Botanical interested Persons, Farmers, and finally mangrove lovers. This attempt would create social awareness among the users about the important applications, uses and conservation of mangrove species around the world.
Keywords:, database, drug development, mangroves, medicinal uses, protein/enzyme sequences.