When the yield of a heterogeneously photocatalyzed reaction is seen to pass through maximum as the mass of catalyst is increased in a suspension, this behavior may be attributable to a regime in which back-reflection most often occurs after a single photon-particle encounter, while absorption requires multiple internal reflections. This was modeled with a double exponential equation, which predicts that the yield will pass through a maximum with increasing catalyst mass when the catalyst has low absorptivity, but approach an asymptotic limit when the absorptivity is high. The rate of photodecomposition of chloroform, catalyzed by the chloride form of a polystyrene anion exchange resin (low absorptivity), was found to pass through a maximum as the amount of resin was increased, while catalysis by the CuCl4 2- form of the resin (higher absorptivity) caused an increase in the rate of decomposition with catalyst mass to an asymptotic value.
Keywords: Heterogeneous photocatalysis, suspensions, chloroform photodegradation, reflectance, catalyst mass