Considerable evidence gained in the past decade has supported a better understanding and management of neurodegenerative diseases, in the face of the continuous increase of their prevalence in the world. Inflammation, mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress are now recognized to be hallmarks of all neurological disorders. Along with therapies targeting these features, new therapeutic strategies are emerging, based on microRNA, vaccination, generation and graft of neurons, as well as therapies based on multifaceted drugs. Are also taken into account vectors designed to deliver large molecule pharmaceuticals or genes across the blood-brain barrier. Current treatments are mainly symptomatic, therefore it is hoped that therapies based on patents described in the present review will lead to really curative treatments.
Keywords: Neurodegenerative diseases, new therapeutic strategies, patents, therapy, experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, neuroinflammation, infiltrating leukocytes, Cholinesterase inhibitors, Growth factor-like proteins, Cannabinoid receptors, MITOCHONDRIAL DYSFUNCTION, Pyrimidine nucleotide precursor