A characteristic comparison approach between Al/Cr and Cu/Cr nano-interfaces is developed for investigation of the potential probability to change the mechanical properties in the metal-matching nano-interface by considering thermal cycling and no-thermal cycling modes. The Cu/Cr interface and Al/Cr interface are prepared by using the magnetron sputtering. The nanoindentation method is used to test the mechanical properties of these metal-matching nano-interfaces. The elastic modulus and the hardness of Cu/Al are improved by the thermal cycling loading; but the thermal cycling has no effect on the Al/Cr nano-interfaces. The investigation reveals a potential probability that the mechanical properties of the Cu/Cr nano-interface can be enhanced by changing the thermal cycling loading mode. It builds a basis for the future work to explore the property and application of metal nano-interface.
Keywords: Al/Cr nano-interface, Cu/Cr nano-interface, experimental test, mechanical properties, thermal cycling.