Intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIg) are used in treatment of a broad spectrum of diseases. Immunoglobulin replacement therapy is the standard treatment for immunodeficiencies with compromised humoural immunity. Use of this method as an immunomodulating therapy ranges from transplantation and treatment of autoimmune-haematological diseases to treatment of various neuroimmunological clinical entities. Limited quantitative availability due to dependence on human donors as a source of IVIg, coupled with high treatment costs, make necessary a highly responsible and evidence-based approach with these agents.
Discussion of the indications and currently valid recommendations on use of IVIg in treatment of immunomediated demyelinating diseases of the nervous system is based on existing clinical studies.
We describe further neurological indications for use of IVIg as well as mechanisms of action and adverse effects of its use.
Keywords: Intravenous immunoglobulin, treatment, immune-mediated demyelinating diseases, side-effects, multiple sclerosis, humoural immunity, First-line therapy, antibody deficiency syndrome, clinical trials, central nervous system.