Till date the synthetic hepato-protective agents used in clinical practices are therapeutically non-promising and may itself lead to hepatotoxicity. Herbal medicines and their bioactives are considered to be relatively safe and have been used in the treatment of liver diseases for a long time. The 21st century has seen a paradigm shift towards therapeutic standardization of herbal drugs in hepatic disorders by evidence-based randomized controlled clinical trials to support their clinical efficacy. Even so, the specific hepato-protective clinical trial protocols for herbal medicines are not established till now. So, the efficacy of herbal medicines needs to be evaluated through rigorously designed multicentre clinical studies. In this review, we have enlightened the clinically evaluated hepatoprotective herbals and herbal formulations with respect to their status in different trial stages. Moreover, the problems and their strategic solutions during the development of clinical trial protocol for hepatoprotective herbal medicine are also addressed.
Keywords: Hepatoprotective, herbal drugs, herbal formulation, clinical trial, current challenges.