The coupled multielectrode array sensor (CMAS) is an emerging technology for monitoring localized corrosion, such as pitting, intergranular attack, crevice corrosion, or other forms of nonuniform corrosion. The technique has been used for online, real-time corrosion monitoring in laboratories and field systems. In this paper, the patents related to the development of CMAS technology for localized corrosion monitoring are reviewed. These patents include applications in mapping or monitoring localized corrosion; methods for localized corrosion rate measurements; method to minimize internal current; improvement in electronics and software; planar CMAS probe; and high-temperature electrochemical sensors. Current and future developments of this corrosion monitoring technology are discussed.
Keywords: Coupled Multielectrode Array Sensors, Corrosion monitoring, Localized corrosion, electrochemical sensor, multielectrode array, high-temperature electrochemical sensor, pitting, anodic electrodes, Multielectrode systems, electrode arrays, wire-beam electrode, Multi-phase corrosion, multielectrode sensors, carbon-coated electrodes, stainless steel