Cosmetic industry is a fast growing industry with the continuous development of new active ingredients for skin care products. Fullerene C60 and its derivates have been subject of intensive research in the last few years. Fullerenes display a wide range of different biological activities. Strong antioxidant capacities and effective quenching radical oxygen species (ROS) made fullerenes suitable active compounds in the formulation of skin care products. Published evidence on biological activities of fullerenes relevant for their application in cosmetics use and examples of published patents are presented. Recent trends in the use of fullerenes in topical formulations and patents are reviewed. Future investigations covering application of fullerenes in skin care are discussed.
Keywords: Fullerene, cosmetic, application, radical oxygen species (ROS), geodesic domes, buckminsterfullerene, spectroscopic analysis, hydrophobicity, organofullerenes, DNA photocleavage, anti-HIV properties, neuroprotective effect, cytoprotective activity, enzymeinhibiting abilities, cytotoxic