The pre and post evaluation of 65 patients undergoing intensive group psychotherapy by the Hope Alive method, yielded useful information on 28 parameters. The results provide sufficient evidence of benefit to warrant continued use of this program and to investigate the various components to delineate the most effective aspects of the program. There is statistically significant global improvement, but some areas of change such as: self-esteem and relationship with partner and a hopeful outlook are greater than others. When patients did their homework assignments consistently and thoroughly, there was increased likelihood of insight, personal growth, and diminished psychological symptoms.
Keywords: Treatment, group therapy, insight, behaviour changes, abuse, neglect, pregnancy loss, abortion, depression, anger, Psychotherapy, hope, relationships, psychological, traumatic events, psychotherapy technique, psychiatric problems, stillbirth, Down's Syndrome, miscarriage, fetal abnormality, poor mental health, perinatal loss, post-partum depression, Wilcoxon signed rank tests, Hope Alive group psychotherapy, antidepressants, demographic variables, Medical Plan of British Columbia, Universal Ethic of Mutual Benefit, phobias, anorexia, neurotic disorders, Hope Alive program, childhood sexual abuse, post-natal depression, American Group Psychotherapy Association