Mast cells are largely found at interfaces between the environment and the internal milieu. Early knowledge of the mast cell suggested a role predominantly associated with allergy and pathologic response to antigens, but more recent research has shown a myriad of functions is likely. Wound healing is a complex process of lysis and reconstitution controlled by a series of cell signalling proteins. Mast cells have been shown to play a significant role in the early inflammatory stage of wound healing and also influence proliferation and tissue remodelling in skin. Emerging work implicates the mast cell as a modulator of intestinal healing particularly following surgical anastomosis. The study of mast cells and wound healing involves the use of cell studies and animal models through the use of mast cell inhibitors, promoters and mast cell deficient rodent strains. This review addresses wound healing in skin and the gastrointestinal tract and specifically identifies data pertaining to the role of the mast cell in the process of cell breakdown, repair and regeneration
Keywords: Anastomosis, inflammation, proliferation, KitW/KitW-V, remodelling, connective tissue cells, degranulation, myeloid cells, mast cell, fibroplasia