Culture and Tourism are two mainly interrelated elements that contribute a lot to achieving Sustainable Development for any developing country especially India, which has an extremely rich historical and cultural background. Tourism Industry is the fastest growing sector in a local economy creating several job opportunities which ultimately raise the standard of living of people which further raises the consumption level of goods and services, resulting in a rise in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of a country. However, various studies pointed out major promotional strategies concerning tourism and culture but an amalgamated promotional approach for both was still missing. With this motivation, the current study aims at providing an amalgamated promotional approach in assimilation with the latest Industry 4.0 technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Big Data, Blockchain, Virtual Reality (VR), Digital Twin and Metaverse to the Indian tourism industry by reviewing prior research studies. The findings of the current study are establishing an online future travel demands forecasting system, an online tourists’ destination personalized recommendation system, an online tourist’s review analysis recommendation system, and an online destination image recommendation system and provide the practical design for it through 1+5 Architectural Views Model and by applying several ML algorithms such as CNN, BPNN, SVM, Collaborative Filtering, K-means Clustering, API Emotion, and Naïve Bayes algorithms. Finally, this study has discussed challenges and suggested vital recommendations for future work with the assimilation of Industry 4.0 technologies.
Keywords: Cinema, film tourism, culture, promotional strategies, industry 4.0 technologies, sustainability.