Background: CNVviso is a web-based NGS data visualization tool designed to be userfriendly for medical researchers who desire visualization-based analysis of large amounts of data with no-code technology.
Objective: Unlike small tools that require extensive programming skills, CNVviso is designed to minimize hard coding and repetitive operations for ultra-low coverage whole-genome sequencing data from preimplantation genetic testing.
Methods: CNVviso was completely programmed and developed based on the R programming language and Shiny framework. CNVviso source code is available for download under the MIT Licence from
Results: The execution architecture of CNVviso allows users to input CNV data, which is then automatically visualized as graphs.
Conclusion: The charts display output of CNVviso are lively and interactive, enabling users to exploit the information effectively. The tool also provides tabular results containing aggregated information.
Keywords: PGT-A, lc-WGS, visualization, CNV, bioinformatics, CNVviso.