Current Chinese Science

Author(s): Behjat Pouramiri and Vajihe Nejadshafiee*

DOI: 10.2174/0122102981343947241125051855

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Caffeine-modified Magnetic Activated Carbon as Novel Bio Adsorbent for Removal of the Diazinon Pesticide in Aqueous Media

Page: [239 - 248] Pages: 10

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Introduction: In this study, a novel composite was prepared using a combination of nanotechnology and biotechnology.

Method: This composite involved loading Fe3O4 NPs and immobilizing caffeine on the surface of activated carbon (CAF-MAC NCs), which was prepared from palm kernel source material. The adsorbent properties were characterized using FTIR, TEM, VSM, and TGA techniques.

Result: The adsorbent CAF-MAC NCs were investigated under ultrasound-assisted conditions for the removal of the pesticide diazinon from aqueous solutions. The Langmuir adsorption isotherm model indicated that the maximum adsorption of diazinon was 147.05 mg g-1.

Conclusion: The new bio-adsorbent offers several significant advantages, including high adsorption capacity, cost-effectiveness, green synthesis, recyclability, and easy separation.

Keywords: Magnetic activated carbon, Fe3O4 NPs, caffeine, adsorption capacity, diazinon, pesticides.

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